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It is no mystery that when Jesus picked His disciples that over half of them were business owners. In His teachings He used parables about business to describe the Kingdom of God to them. Over 80% of the parables are all in reference to business owners, employees, and stewardship. We believe what He was showing us is that there is no separation of the church and the marketplace. And to go farther with that thought, is that really the church will not become what it was designed to be without a marketplace presence!

In the beginning of the church in the book of Acts the people brought their resources and laid them down at the apostles' feet. If you read Acts 4 you will find the people had no problem laying down resources to men who were first wise businessmen, and ministers second. Distribution was made to everyone that had a need. In America our churches at best have not done much more than build a system of worship around their own plans and purposes. We have become benevolent in our approach to helping people.

The early fathers of the church were not benevolent minded, they were purpose driven, to the success of others. This is the reason for the business minded disciples now turned apostles to lead the church. The word need in the Greek means to "empower for business, or to employ". So right from the start of the early church their objectives were not just to give out bread, but to release seed so others could make their own bread. In other words they did not give hand outs, as most churches are known for today, but a hand up! They purposely gave to those who wanted to be in business.

As the church progressed and Christianity spread the globe new cities were formed with this mindset. There was not a separation between the church and the marketplace. When a city was formed the church was always the first building erected. Every business and home was built around that concept. So every morning all of the business people would meet at church to make their business plans for the day. The church facilitated the marketplace, it was a central gathering place for meeting people, networking, getting new business, and ideas were shared. This all took place because the business people knew that it was God that gave them the power to get wealth, and they wanted His blessings upon the work of their hands. I read somewhere that even in the fields if a farmer was to trade animals; they would walk them all the way into town to the church. There the transaction was made so that God's blessing would be upon it, and the covenant was sealed. If you think about it business people deal with covenants every day of their lives, and their whole life depends upon the covenants that have been made between them and their customers, and their suppliers.

Prophetic Voice Ministries is bringing back this mindset to the local churches. We are committed to the marketplace and believe that it is past time to validate, appreciate, and accelerate the marketplace for the next move of God. For more details on this subject you can get our Kingdom Economics outline that describes in detail what the scriptures say about the marketplace, and discover God's heart on the matter.

Kings and Prophets

For Americans it is difficult to understand the concept of Kingship. This also makes it hard to rightly understand the Scriptures since it was born in the East. America has never been under a King or ruling family. I really doubt that it ever will. But there are Kings here according to the Kingdom of God.

King-1. A sovereign ruler 2. A chief among other competitors 3. Supreme among other in the same class or field

Kingdom- 1. A realm of region in which something or someone is dominant or a ruler 2. That which is ruled by Kings In the Old Testament we learn through observation that Kings were the supreme rulers over lands, regions, and people. Their main objectives were to provide safety to the people, employ the people, provide resources, govern and rule on behalf of the people, and to influence the direction and the way of life for the subjects. You will never find a King in the Old Testament that did not have a Prophet assigned to him by God.

The Prophets did not rule nor want to influence the Kings for personal gain, but rather were sent to guide them in spiritual matters. The most successful Kings in the Old Testament were those who learned to counsel with their Prophets and heed their advice. The prophets would seek the Lord on advice as to timing of war and changes that the King was planning. He would be assigned to the region or land through the relationship with the King. A King was not really acknowledged as a King unless a Prophet anointed him as such. All of the Kings were activated into service by the declaration and prophetic utterances of the Prophets. King Saul and even David was ordained and activated into service by the hands of the Prophet Samuel. Even our Lord and King Jesus was not activated into His call without the Prophet John the Baptist! God's word says that He will do nothing in the earth without revealing it to the Prophets first. And in another place He declares that He shares His secrets to His servants the Prophets. The Prophets have a special call of God to be a creative force in the life and reign of a King. In America the closest thing to a King is the local and regional business owner. They meet all of the criteria of providers of resources, influence change in the laws for the good of humanity. The are chief among equals, and rule and reign their kingdom (business). It is imperative that the modern day Christian businessman sees himself as God sees him, as a King. You are a King in the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom is not just found at a church building but in the life of people in home, church, and business! When we see this transition take place we will see the Kingdom of God like never before. If we can come into a Kingdom perception about our businesses, and ourselves then we need to follow the pattern of the Kingdom of God. Just as in the early days the Kings did not have the time to fulfill spiritual obligations, this is why they relied upon the Prophets. The contrast is that the Prophets never advised the Kings on practical matters, they only spoke by the Spirit the divine wisdom of God as He revealed it to them.

Modern Day Kings

The business owners are the modern day Kings in the Kingdom economy of God. The Christian businessmen need to come into contact with true Prophets to help guide them in spiritual matters concerning their business. You may not realize it but your business is a spiritual thing. In other words you created it out of nothing but an idea and an opportunity that was given by God Himself. It would make sense to surround yourself with Prophets that can help guide you through the limitations of the earthy system and economy.

This is the purpose by which God is leading us, to reach into the marketplace and offer ourselves as the prophetic council to the businessmen. We have an intercessory team, and successful business people that can give business consultation. The greatest events of conquering took place when the Kings joined together in alliance for a common cause. We have access to great business minds that can help in a number of ways.


© Prophetic Voice Ministries 2010-2011 ~ Media Outlet of First Love Inc. ~ Michigan USA ~ 313.982.7069


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