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Divine Thoughts & Secret Pathways

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May 11
The Molting Process ( Part 2)

The once proud eagle now finds himself in the valley weakened by not being able to fly. His eyes are growing dim, he can hardly utter a sound with all of the calcium build up on his beak. In this valley of 'shadows' and vulnerability he lays out in the sun just to obsorb some energy.

Since he is an eagle, he stays true to his nature by willing to die rather than eat old dead meat, or leftovers from some others' kill. Just when he thinks life as he knew it is over he hears a loud Shreak from high above. Much to his surprise there are majestic Eagles flying high above the valley calling out to him. These are not the younger eagles, but rather the older ones. Ones that are familiar with this new found process of Molting.

These calls from the older eagles are words of encouragement which strengthen the heart of this once proud bird. An amazing event happens right before his eyes, these older eagles will drop fresh killed meat at his side. With all his strength he will force himself to eat what has miraculously dropped out of heaven. These older eagles will continue to drop fresh kill to him and call out words of encouragement until he is strengthened! As the process continues the eagle will once again begin to regain strength and his sight will return.

We are like the prophets in the process. We are by nature a group that would rather die than eat old, dead carcasses of the past. It is not in us to eat old dead dried up religion. We would rather die than to partake of the very thing we were created to fight against. Much like the story a miracle must take place for us to survive, we have to have the older prophets who have been through this process feed us with fresh revelation and manna from heaven! It is our only path to survival.

It is amazing when you are in this valley process of molting how strengthening a Word in Due Season is! It is life to all who need it. Sometimes the greatest encouragement we can receive is the older more seasoned prophets to call out to us and remind us of who we are! We are just in a process but deep down inside we are still God's wonderful creation. How awesome it is to just hear the words, "You are OK, and you're going to make it! Especially from those who have walked this path before us.

If you are the younger one in the process look for the older seasoned prophets to feed from, it will be your only hope of making it. If you are the older seasoned one, you MUST look out for the younger ones in the process. Call out, reach out, and feed these that they may live. Sometimes to the untrained eye this process may look like a result of wrong choices. If we look through our religious glasses we could even say the young prophet is in sin, or being punished by his choices. Remember even our Lord's testimony in Isaiah was, 'We did not esteem him, and counted him stricken and smitten of God!'

We must ask the Lord to help us hear with a trained ear, to awake every morning and confess that God will give us the tongue of the learned that we make a speak a word in season to him that is weary! What an amazing responsibility! The prophets are the ones that instill hope, they live on hope against all hope. This hope is like manna from heaven!

There is nothing more discouraging to see than a prophet who has lost this hope! So many are starving from the lack of HOPE. They know the truth, have experienced the Grace of God, and know that Faith is the path, but my friends you must have all three ingredients to make the God life work for you. Faith, Hope, and Love!

When you have lost the strength or site to have hope your faith will not work! Because your faith is the evidence of what you HOPE for. When your strength abades, and you no longer can encourage yourself; look to the heavens and see the older ones are shreaking encouraging words, and getting ready to drop some fresh kill (manna) from heaven.


May 2
The Molting Process (Part 1)

At least once in the life of the Eagle he will go through the 'molting' process. I love the picture of the Bald Eagle because it has become the symbol of the prophets. They are similar to each other in many symbolic ways. The Eagle can see far away, with great clarity. They dwell in the highest places on earth. They have the ability to 'defy' gravity by flying without flapping! And more importantly they have NO NATURAL predator, other than MAN!

Prophets are much the same way. They are known for seeing into the future, living in and coming from the High Places. They have learned to defy the natural laws of provision and the system, and can actually survive and live beyond the established system of religion. But the greatest thing about prophets, much like the Eagle, is they have no natural predator other than the 'system' of man! For this purpose were the prophets created to always keep a balance with the people of God, falling into the system of man. Thank God the prophets are not the only divine gift for the Body, but a necessary one indeed.

The molting process is a difficult life changing event in the life of the eagle. It usually happens around the age of 30 or in the season of maturity. The eagle will begin to get calcium build up on his beak, and the talons and claws will become overgrown. It is during this time that eagle will begin to hang his head do to the extra weight of the calcium build up. He will find it difficult to even lift his head. He will loose his appetite and become very weak! During this process he actually starts losing his feathers to point that he can no longer fly!!! He will WALK down out of the high place and walk in the valley below. Two new adventures come in this place: First he is now unable to fly due to the lack of feathers and the extreme weakness and is become one without any sense of flight, or escape or protection. He becomes Extremely Vulnerable. Secondly he now finds himself WALKING in places he used to soar over effortlessly!

Much like these proud eagles the prophets of our day are going through this process. They are finding themselves looking a pitiful mess. Weak, unable to fly, and their eyesight is growing dim through the process of extreme weakness! During this process we become vulnerable and our ability to escape via flight has left us. We look like turkeys walking around half naked and undone, but deep inside we are proud eagles.

This process is what I believe is happening all over the Kingdom of God. The old paradigm of the prophetic is being RENEWED by the process of molting. The Elijah model of the prophetic ministry is being transformed into the Elisha model. In my yard I noticed every spring a few weeds crept in during the off season. Each year in the spring I have a choice; attack the weed problem, or feed the grass and tend to it. A strong healthy grass will choke out the weeds! Much like this illustration the Elijah model of the past was a weed fighting prophetic movement. We attacked everything that was wrong, sinful, or even had a hint of the system. The Elisha movement of the prophetic will still be against the system, sinfulness in God's leaders and people, but will attack by focusing upon the grass and building it up! Jesus said in a parable that an enemy sowed tares among the wheat while the farmer was sleeping! The hired help wanted to pull up the tares, but in the parable Jesus said to leave the tares, because in tearing them all out would do more harm that good and damage the wheat crop.

This is what is happening right before out eyes. The Sword swinging independent Elijah prophetic movement is now transitioning through the process of molting; and transforming into the community minded plowing prophetic movement of the Elisha order!

Micah 4:3 "...and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."


Jan 8th
The tyranny of the system
is the 'religious system or mindset' prevalent today. It has been around since the dawning of man. The religious 'system' has absolutely nothing to do with a specific people group, religious denomination, or affiliation; although it could be influenced by them.

The system I speak of comes directly from the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden when they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This 'Knowledge' is the beginning of the Carnal mind, which is the ONLY enemy of God. This system is a virus in the hearts ands minds that effects all people, those who are religious, spiritual, and even professed atheists! It is true like the movie once said, "The Matrix is here, and its all around you!"

The immunity that protects people from the virus of the system, is found in the mystery of Christ (in us), which can only truly be lived out in community.

Allow me to share one dimension of the system. I had a vision a few years back of lepers living in isolated caves and communities. Placed there by good meaning, God fearing people. After all the 'LAW' said we must put out the afflicted and diseased from our midst or we won't be holy! While I was seeing this vision, the Spirit asked me a question, "Which do you think hurts the lepers more; the actual affliction and disease of leprosy, or the way people treat them because of their affliction?"

This one thought has caused me to continue to search my heart daily to constantly make sure that I am free from the virus. You see being afflicted with the pains of wrongful choices or afflictions of trials is one thing to endure; but I found a more tormenting thing to overcome. What others, spiritual and non, think about me because of my situation.

For example if you have had an abortion for whatever reason, the pain and self destruction of your identity is almost a given, but throw in how others treat you because of your choice! Wow that's almost too much to bear. Its one thing to feel the pain of being stuck in bad habits, or sinful ways, but totally a whole-nother level of suffering when good meaning people infected with the virus of the system find out! They will even use scriptures to enforce the point of God's disappointment in you!

The ironic thing that I've noticed in my short 30 year career as being a believer is how quick we are to judge offer opinions of others who have done nothing more worse than we ever did!!!

You wont be in church long to find out that those who embrace your failures, 'come as you are types' today, will soon down the road be trying to force you into some form of perfected performance. And judge you and form false opinions of you for your lack of conformity.

The greatest tragedy of the virus of the system, is that it has almost totally destroys true community and the ability to be transparent among our own peers! It is hard to find true community; a place where others will let you bear your soul naked and unashamed, without forming a judgmental position about your walk with God!

If we want to be REAL, we are going to have to GET REAL! It is time for those called by His name to learn to focus upon the overwhelming beam in their own eye before trying to remove and jug de the specs in others! It is my passion to unleash true 'mysteries of the Kingdom' within the confines of a true loving community for the advancement of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

But this will take time to develop true community and trust within the brotherhood! REAL TALK


In 1 Samuel 10:5-6
Activating the Kings Anointing

“After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and tabret, and a pipe, and a harp before them: and they shall prophesy:

And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.”
As you may or may not know, it is the energy from worship that I sense the spirit of the prophetic. Revelations says, that the spirit of prophesy is the Testimony of Jesus! Samuel tells Saul that the same spirit upon the prophets will come upon you! And YOU will begin to sing and speak under divine utterance of the Holy Spirit! The beautiful perception I love here is that Samuel told Saul that he would be turned or changed into another man.

Another man is defined in the Hebrew as the next one, or the one that comes after. In other words, tomorrow is the day AFTER today! It’s the futuristic version of this day! I am declaring that what may become of these meetings is a stepping into the futuristic version of ourselves today! I don’t have the time to reveal how to tap into the future but trust me when I tell you that it is very possible, and I’am going to say probable!

I am hoping that you can make plans today to be with us, come prepared to have a divine encounter with your futuristic divine self! Please bring people who are ready to go to the next level. Above all come expecting God to embrace you and speak to you in the inner chambers of your heart.

If you read on further in that chapter of Samuel you see in vs. 26 “And Saul also went home to Gibeah; and there went with him a band of men, whose hearts God had touched.” The Lord touched the hearts of those in the overflow of what He was doing in Saul in that moment. I don’t have time to tell you that this type of anointing for Saul was actually an activating event of His Kingdom anointing and authority!

June 15, 2007
Elijah the Tishbite

It seems strange to some but to us who are prophetic in Gifting, Calling and or in Nature will understand completely what I'm about to say. Most of the prophetic people I know, especially me, can hear God for others very clearly. But to hear the specifics about our own lives and the course we are to take is sometimes very difficult. I have spent pretty much my whole adult life in the church and ministry, and still to this day it's not always easy to know what my next step is.

Prophetic people tend to be way up, and or sometimes way down. I don't think it's an emotional thing as much as it the difficulty in 'seeing' into Gods world, but yet having to live in the limited one. For some prophetic people it drives them to being almost crazy. I've been listening to the Father about some Divine Pathways through the life of Elijah. Hopefully it may bring some insight to where we are as prophetic people and what our next step in life might be.

I've been meditating deeply for about month or two in I Kings 17. If you read that chapter I will be referencing by verse # without typing out the whole scriptures:

In vs 1 we see that Elijah is a Tishbite which literally means 'a captive that will lead others out of captivity!' So right off of the bat we see the prophetic position, circumstance, and purpose of the true prophetic gift and call. We are most definitely called to set people free from religious captivity of any kind. Prophets are very keen to this fact and will usually rebel against being brought into this form of bondage. Most time in the resistance to the system of bondage we tend to seem very rebellious and uncommitted to the untrained leader and or Pastor. It is not an excuse to be a rebel but I know the Lord God has downloaded something within us that is hyper sensitive to this fact. We may not know a lot of techniques, leadership skills, and message delivery but we KNOW Bondage!

But we see the word Tishbite has another meaning for Elijah: he himself is also a captive. This is a very strange thing to the normal believer. Prophet's usually have to live out what the church is going through. So Elijah HAD to be captive to free the captive! There is no other way for the prophetic to work. And most times we have to live out in advance what the church is about to experience. I know this to be true, It would take me a couple of months to show you how and why this all works! The life of the Prophet is an epistle for all to see where they are really at. A part of Elijah's captivity was in his resistance to the wicked leadership of Ahab, it created a natural rejection from the system which in turn created hardships for him.

On our level Pastors and leaders seldom call the prophets, because it is risky to their system. The Prophets will always come in by the Spirit and try to free the hearts and minds of the people from any forms that bind. So I'm sure Elijah wasn't invited to the big conferences etc of his day, but be rest assured he was a mighty man for God just the same. He showed himself to Ahab and spoke the drought into existence. We don't know how that whole process took place but I'm quite sure he was influenced by the Spirit of God to speak those things into existence. The beauty of the drought, even though it was hard times, brought the church out of its lukewarm state.

I know God uses situations to help people make the correct decisions. So we see the captivity that Elijah experienced was the lack that was created by not being the most prolific speaker and or most popular intenerate. But God the Father had a plan, and Elijah was a huge part of the plan to bringing the Church to a major reviving!

Next thought we will discuss the process of change that Elijah had to make: he went to three places in the process of the reviving...and we must note that the reviving happened before the rain came! This we must know that the churches of today need Prophetic influences to challenge and minister to the hearts of the people to make quality decisions to follow the Lord. The churches as a whole are needing relationship to the Prophetic gift to get the people unstuck from their indifference!

Three places that Prophets will visit in their divine process:

The Brook
The House
The Mountain

June 21, 2007
The Brook

What we are about to see is a 2 for 1. God always does a 2 for 1 when dealing with His people. Like if there are problems and situations arise in a marriage He will almost usually work on both parties at the same time! Even in difficulty in relationships the Father almost always works a 2 for 1.

The same is here in 1 Kings 17, Elijah is living in the effects of the bad leadership of Ahab and Jezebel! The macro view of the times was the prophets had lost their place and power among the people, the people were double minded and serving Baal and God at the same time. The prophets were hid in caves eating bread and water.

The Father obviously used Elijah to bring the heart of the people back to Him, but the real secret here is that Elijah went through a process of pruning. Before Elijah would come on the scene he had to spend three years in a process that I call, "Purifying the Prophetic".

Vs 3 "Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith..."

The first level or the 30 fold level of the process for the prophetic is to into a season of isolation and hiding. The word Cherith actually means to cut, and is also a derivative of the word that means covenant; or to cut the flesh into two pieces! Elijah went through this phase and the Lord re-established the covenant with him. I'm sure that the cutting place was where the Lord showed him the inner man in this season of isolation.

Elijah enjoyed divine providence from the most unlikely sources, the ravens. The brought him bread and meat in the morning and evening. The profound thing to me is that the ravens if they were actual birds or not, some people try to spiritualize everything, brought borrowed bread to Elijah! The prophetic process of purification is to be removed from having anything that steals your affection. The true power of the prophetic is to be free from the affections of this world. So the purification process was to reaffirm covenant and call!

He was living on the mercy of God through the unclean providing borrowed bread! But even in that Elijah got comfortable because the brook dried up and he became ashamed, disappointed and confused. God will dry the brook up to get us to move to the next phase of the process. It does not mean we have failed, but rather on the contrary, it means we have passed! We are now on to the next phase in the process of the purification. We must know that the purification process is for an ultimate divine purpose.

July 14, 2007
The House

Vs 9 "Arise and get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

In the next phase or step of the journey for Elijah was to go to Zarephath and dwell there. In the Brook experience he is in hiding and the Ravens are feeding him. In the House phase he is to dwell, (remain, abide, sit, settle, tarry & wait). But another great thing about God's leading is the divine providence! He had already commanded a widow woman to sustain him! The only problem it was probably 'news to her!'

Zarephath means a 'refining place'. Again we are talking about the 2 for 1 that the Lord does in our lives. One is Elijah in the next phase of the process of purifying the prophetic. I can guarantee you by the Spirit the Lord is purifying the prophetic in preparation to manifesting a new enlightened word from heaven! The church is about to get unstuck from it's indifference and selfish ways via the word from the purified prophetic. And again the drought is most likely in another phase of preparation for the people of God to receive the true prophetic!

God sends prophets! Usually to a people that are in need of direction, change, and or heart reviving. He may send a prophet to be a warning, but usually as a vehicle of change of momentum. The life of the TRUE prophet (not the one that just tries to see visions all the time, and or the ones who just like to give out generic prophecies) is one of life intercession! In other words the TRUE prophet MUST live out the word prior to preaching it! When he delivers a word from heaven it is threaded with his very life experience. True prophets must live out what the church is going through as a living witness to them.

We see Elijah going into bankruptcy and lack, when the brook dried up. Then his 'deliverance' is a widow woman that has absolutely nothing but a 'little oil, and a handful of meal'. This is the life of the prophet. Elijah had to go to this level of purification because it creates a strength for what God is about to do! Another reason Elijah had to be in Zarephath  was to come to the widow which was a typical picture of the 'church' in that day. Broken down, not because of the drought and lack of rain, but rather that was the true condition of the heart for serving God and Baal! The drought just EXPOSED what the true condition of the heart really was! The purification process of God does not create poverty and lack, but rather REVEALS what is already present and therefore (God was all along preparing the heart of God's people for the prophetic).


Till next time



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