Mentor’s Manna ~ Next Level Program

The Next Level program is a 90 day fast track to creating a breakthrough for you and your ministry. We have hopes that after 90 days of intense training and focusing upon your team, then we can begin to see the Next Level taking shape.

There has got to be something in your heart crying out for ‘something more’.  We will walk together and discover by revelation how to get to the Next Level.  We are confident that God himself has not only called you but anointed you for the task at hand.  Our desire is to help you build a team around you to do greater things that you have dreamed about. You can learn academically from meetings and conferences. We are convinced that there is a part of the Kingdom dimension that can only be transferred and learned through a process that my Bishop calls, ‘Pressing Flesh’. We desire a relationship with you personally, professionally, and prophetically, that we may be able to Press Flesh with you and help elevate you to your ‘Next Level’.

John Maxwell says the first level of accomplished leadership is to begin to achieve things on your own. At this level there is a measure of influence and momentum created.  But the Next Level is success; success is when people around you begin to achieve things together and ‘with you’.



Prophetic Voice Ministries - Mark Marshall Detroit Michigan